Friday, May 22, 2015

Secrets of a tasty and healthy, quick weight loss diet

Most of us could stand to lose a few pounds. Whether your aim is to look stunning on the beach in a teeny bikini, or attend gala events in an elegant LBD, you know you'll look and feel just a bit better by losing some fat. If you've calculated your BMI, you know where you stand. OK, so you've got to lose some weight. Americans are an impatient folk, fueling demand for a quick weight loss diet program. There are so many weight loss programs, it's hard to know where to start. However, weight loss is an individual thing. While your neighbor might shed ten pounds in a couple of weeks, you might struggle for a month to drop that much weight.

If you're prepared for and determined to commit to a quick weight loss diet program, we've got the skinny on the project! No matter how much weight you want to lose, you can do it, simply by adhering to a few simple diet 'rules and regulations'.

First, you need to identify your goal. Be realistic. Conventional wisdom says that losing seven pounds a month is a reasonable and sustainable goal. So you want to push the envelope to ten pounds a month – that's doable, so long as you eat sensibly and don't cheat. Reduce your calorie intake by an extra 100 calories per day, exercise an extra 10-15 minutes a day, cut out the sugar and fat and you're well on your way to a quick weight loss diet that walks the talk.

Drinking those eight glasses of water a day – ho-hum, you say. The fact of the matter is that drinking plentiful amounts of water is an essential component of the successful quick weight loss diet program. Drinking water flushes your system of toxins, while giving you a feeling of fullness. Keep a water glass close at hand and sip regularly. You'll be less inclined to go for a calorie laden treat.

Menu planning is a cornerstone of the quick weight loss diet program. You'll want to start with plenty of veggies and fruits, for snacks and at meal time. A fruit smoothie, made with fruit and yogurt, makes a nutritious, filling, low calorie and nutrient-packed breakfast that will keep you feeling satisfied and energetic until lunch. A chef's salad, packed with green leafy vegetables, a bit of meat and a vinaigrette dressing is a dieter's delight and gets that quick weight loss rolling.

How you partake of your meals counts! Don't wolf down your food. Take it easy and  savor each bite. Just because you're pursuing a quick weight loss diet doesn't mean it shouldn't be tasty – taste is where it's at and what leads you to success.

Counting calories is necessary, as is choosing the foods you eat. A dinner consisting of a big dinner salad and a nice sized filet of fish is a tasty, low calorie choice. Eat slowly, taste every bite. Take your time. Follow up with a dessert of fruit or cheese and a cup of tea. This is how you can succeed in a quick weight loss diet that puts the nicely fitting LBD and teeny bikini in your near future.

In a word, the success of any diet rests on not feeling deprived. Fill up on good healthy foods, low in fat and high in fiber. Indulge in fish and lean meat entrees. Spice up that salad with artichoke hearts marinated in olive oil. Throw in a tomato and a hard boiled egg. Reduce your blood pressure with a bit of garlic.

If you're looking to lose weight quickly, plan your menus with foods you like and which are low in calories and nutrient dense. Avoid sugar and fatty foods. Drink lots of water. You'll then have a quick weight loss diet that works!


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